Signs & Pavement Markings Technician I

Course Content
The IMSA Signs & Markings Technician I Exam certifies the holder as being knowledgeable in the basic standards and installation procedures of traffic signs and pavement Markings. This certification exam tests the student’s knowledge of federal and state standards on sign types, proper placement and maintenance techniques. This exam also covers the different types of pavement markings, delineators and other marking devices that are installed on all road types. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) is the governing document for all signs and markings. This exam will test the students’ knowledge of those standards and their ability to use it to answer daily questions that may arise.
Target Audience: Those involved in the installation and maintenance of signs and/or pavement
markings on our roads.
- Current IMSA Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control Technician or IMSA approved Work Zone equivalent
- One year of experience is required in signs & pavement markings operations.
Please Note
Course Cost: $570 per person
- Current IMSA Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control Technician or IMSA approved Work Zone equivalent
- One year of experience is required in signs & pavement markings operations.
Courses not listed may be scheduled by appointment.
Checks mailed to
Public Works Training Institute
7367 Danbury Way
Clearwater, FL 33764