Signs & Pavement Markings Technician II

Class Information


Ray Gorman



Class Schedule

By Request

Course Content

IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician II is an advanced certification and builds on the foundation provided by the Signs & Pavement Markings I Certification. The certification covers the additional technical knowledge and skills needed to design and manufacture signs, layout pavement markings and manage a preventative maintenance program. It also certifies that the IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician has a deeper understanding of the standards for applying signs and pavement markings in line with the MUTCD and other references.

Other topics covered include the sign specifications for guide and route signs, street name signs, speed zones, needs for freeways and expressways, special toll managed lanes and attention to location and design specifications. This certification also focuses on the higher knowledge and skill sets necessary for pavement marking design, installation and upkeep as well as safety procedures for the safe installation of pavement markings. Topics covered include colors, material safety, retro reflectivity, pavement marking visibility and freeway/expressway markings.

Target Audience: Those individuals who are responsible for installing and maintaining signs and pavement markings on our roads and who want to obtain a high level of professional certification.


  • Current IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician I
  • Two years of experience is required in signs & pavement markings operations.

Please Note

Course Cost: $570 per person



  • Current IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician I
  • Two years of experience is required in signs & pavement markings operations.

Courses not listed may be scheduled by appointment.

Checks mailed to
Public Works Training Institute
7367 Danbury Way
Clearwater, FL 33764